by diviadmin | May 20, 2021 | 1 Peter
You can download this sermon as a Word document here I wonder if you’ve ever found yourself in a situation, when you have been out with friends or when you have been at work, for example, when you have been with a group of people and the behaviour turns from being...
by diviadmin | May 20, 2021 | 1 Peter
You can download this sermon as a Word document here It was 2001. I was a Vicar in Stratford in East London. The doorbell went. I opened it and John was standing there. I knew John quite well. An alcoholic in the parish; quite a nice guy when he was sober, really not...
by diviadmin | May 20, 2021 | 1 Peter
You can download this sermon as a Word document here Today, we come to the closing part of Peter’s letter. It has been an intensely pragmatic letter, written to Christians who were struggling to endure and persevere in the faith in the northern part of Asia Minor, in...