Our Safeguarding Officer

St. Andrew’s Safeguarding Contacts:

Our Safeguarding Officer is Paul Edwards

If you have any concerns about Safeguarding at St. Andrew’s, please contact Paul. You can email him at safeguardingstandrewsenfield@gmail.com or phone him on 07927 278022

Our DBC Checking Officer is Dinos Kousoulou.

If you have any queries about the DBS process at St. Andrew’s, please feel free to email him.

London Diocese Safeguarding Contact:

If you want to contact the London Diocese directly about any safeguarding concerns, you can email the Diocese or phone the Helpline on 020 7932 1224.

Enfield Council Contact Details:

If you want to contact Enfield Council Local Authority about a safeguarding issue, the following details may be helpful:

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) for child welfare: 0208 379 2850

Adults MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub): 020 8379 3196

Adult Abuse Line: 020 8379 5212

At St. Andrew’s, we are absolutely committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We constantly review our policies in this regard and ensure that we are providing as safe an environment as possible for all those who worship at St. Andrew’s or use our other premises.