by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download the text of this sermon as a Word document here We are all searching for happiness, aren’t we? It’s the one thing that all human beings have in common: every single person on this planet is searching for happiness. Aristotle, the philosopher, worked...
by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download this sermon as a Word document here We are less than three weeks away from the General Election now, which, as with all General Elections, is such a crucial time for our nation. Democracy is an incredible blessing for us and it is a deep privilege to...
by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download this sermon as a Word document here Today is not a day for rejoicing. Today is not a day for celebration. This may not be what we want to hear – but it is the truth. We live in a world, of course, where the pursuit of personal comfort and satisfaction...
by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download the text of this sermon as a Word document here Where is God when life gets tough? It’s a question that we have all asked at one time or another, isn’t it? When life throws us a real curve ball, it can feel like God is nowhere to be found and we are...
by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download the text of this sermon as a Word document here We are moving on through our series of sermons on the Psalms and this morning, we are thinking briefly about Psalm 32, which we have just heard read. It is a really interesting Psalm that speaks to us of...
by diviadmin | May 19, 2021 | Psalm
You can download the text of this sermon as a Word document here We’ve thought a lot over the last few months about how this church here at St. Andrew’s has adapted and changed over the centuries; how successive priests and people have recognized the world changing...