
At St. Andrew’s, we are absolutely committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We constantly review our policies in this regard and ensure that we are providing as safe an environment as possible for all those who worship at St. Andrew’s or use our other premises. There are a number of different documents that you may find useful in this regard:

1. Our Safeguarding Policy is in accordance with that of the Diocese of London. You can download the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy here.

2. The PCC ratifies our Safeguarding Policy annually.

3. The PCC has a separate document for safeguarding children and young people, which can be viewed here.

4. The PCC has a separate document for safeguarding vulnerable adults, which can be viewed here.

5. Anyone wishing to hire either the church or any other premises belonging to St Andrew’s – for whatever purpose – will be required to sign a Safeguarding Agreement Form, which can be viewed here.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Paul Edwards. If you have any queries or concerns about safeguarding at St. Andrew’s, you can contact Paul here.